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Populära Stop, Slow & Go- verkstäderna för barns digitala säkerhetskunskaper återkommer i november

Protect Children


Protect Children continues popular Stop, Slow & Go Online Road Safety workshops to support children's digital safety skills

Protect Children continues to support children's digital safety skills education by holding its popular online workshops in November 2022. The workshops are based on the Stop, Slow & Go learning material developed by Protect Children. During the interactive workshops, children learn essential digital safety skills in a fun and inspiring way, crafting and openly discussing digital everyday life.

The free workshops, guided by Protect Children experts, are aimed at 5–9-year-olds and are also well suited for groups of children with special needs. Children learn and practice how to act in digital environments when they encounter situations and content related to prohibited, confusing or frightening (STOP), new and confusing (SLOW) or familiar and allowed (GO) things. The workshops enable open discussion and the presence of an adult in the child's digital everyday life.

The workshops are held in Finnish.

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