Kom med
Carl Pabillo
Internship in Autumn 2022
Tampere University, Master's degree in Public and Global Health
"I learned the importance of holistic approach in tackling issues regarding child sexual abuse and to resolve the problem from different perspectives and angles. Working with the specialists with strong advocacies to end all forms of sexual violence against children made me realize the importance of collaborative work to make the world better and safer for children.”
Ester Proseku
Internship in Autumn 2023
Åbo Akademi, Master's degree in International Law and Human Rights
"The internship at Protect Children was a hands-on experience which allowed me to participate in the meaningful work to protect child's rights. I believe that the multidisciplinary team at PC was one of the best parts of the internship, as they were all supportive and willing to help me at any time without judgment."
Anna Gumenyuk
Internship in Summer 2024
University of Groningen, Bachelor's degree in Artificial Intelligence
"My internship at Protect Children was a transformative experience, where I had the chance to explore the intersection of AI and child sexual abuse. What truly stood out was the holistic approach that Protect Children takes, embracing various perspectives to tackle such a complex and sensitive issue. Working with such a passionate and dedicated team was nothing short of inspiring. Protect Children's commitment to safeguarding vulnerable children is truly powerful, and I am honored to have contributed to their mission."
Rebecca Maria Nolan
Internship in Summer 2024
Dublin City University, Master's degree in Psychology and Wellbeing
"I thoroughly enjoyed working at Protect Children Finland this Summer. I have learned a variety of new skills in the realm of research, communication, teamwork and multidisciplinary collaboration. As my first role in the industry of child protection I have received first hand experience of the importance of advocacy and awareness in the protection of vulnerable demographics and I was in awe of the PC team dedicated work in combatting child sexual abuse. I cannot recommend this internship programme enough as the valuable skills I have adopted will continue to be an asset to my future work."
Emily May
Internship in Summer 2024
Tampere University, Master's degree in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
“Interning at Protect Children was a truly career-shaping experience for me. From the specialists, I learned so much about child protection; a field which my studies mentioned but never focused on. It was amazing to learn with such an incredibly driven team who are enthusiastic about new ideas and supportive with all questions. Their passion has certainly rubbed off on me and I look forward to further exploring the intersection of child protection with my background in conflict research.”
Learn more about internships at Protect Children from our former interns
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