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Protect Children

Protect Children and ChildX strengthen efforts to protect children from sexual violence

Updated: Jun 11, 2024


At Protect Children, we believe collaboration is key for efficient child protection and the basis for great achievements in reducing all forms of violence against children. Our mission and holistic approach to preventing and tackling sexual violence against children is deeply aligned with that of ChildX. Therefore, we have forged a powerful collaboration in the fight against child sexual abuse and exploitation.

Protect Children and ChildX have been collaborating since 2022, when Protect Children was honoured to be recognised as one of the ten 2022 ChildX Awarded Member Organizations for our work to protect children from sexual exploitation online. This recognition represents a testament of our ongoing commitment to promoting the rights of the child and working tirelessly to prevent and protect children from all forms of child sexual abuse and exploitation.

2KNOW report: Knowledge to Prevent Online Sexual Violence Against Children: Insights from a Survey of Child Sexual Abuse Material Offenders

In 2024, Protect Children and ChildX have revived this collaboration with a strong focus on strengthening the voice of victims and survivors of child sexual abuse and exploitation. ChildX is helping us expand our global Our Voice survey for survivors of sexual violence in childhood. This survey, supported by the Justice Initiative, is directed at individuals over the age of 18 who have been subjected to sexual violence in childhood. Translated into 23 languages, this survey is also available in Swedish thanks to ChildX who supported us with the Swedish translation, allowing us to expand the scope of the survey to more Swedish-speaking survivors and continue collecting global data.

2KNOW report: Knowledge to Prevent Online Sexual Violence Against Children: Insights from a Survey of Child Sexual Abuse Material Offenders

The joint efforts of Protect Children and ChildX also aim to address legal gaps in Europe regarding the sexual exploitation and abuse of children online. Working together, we aim not only to combat the immediate threats posed by child trafficking and exploitation, but also to address the root causes of this type of sexual violence against children.

We are honoured to have strengthened such a meaningful collaboration with ChildX and believe that together we can make a difference. Let us continue to work hard to prevent and combat sexual violence against children and achieve our common goal of protecting children together!

2KNOW report: Knowledge to Prevent Online Sexual Violence Against Children: Insights from a Survey of Child Sexual Abuse Material Offenders

About ChildX

ChildX mission is a world free from child trafficking and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation of children. ChildX’s work is based on a holistic child rights approach including prevention, victim support, legal action against perpetrators, minimizing demand and national and international coordination and collaboration. This organisation is based in Stockholm, Sweden, and work both nationally and internationally. Their work is focused around three areas:

1) Building networks and empowering organizations working in this field,

ChildX builds networks of organizations who complement each other to foster stronger national and international coordination and collaboration, identifying synergies across nations and borders and facilitating joint advocacy to create durable solutions.

2) Awareness raising

ChildX seeks to increase knowledge about child trafficking in all public sectors in society, including on how to prevent and protect children, how to take action against those who abuse children as well as how to identify and support victims. ChildX does advocacy with key actors in the field both internationally and in Sweden through communication campaigns, events, issuing reports and by meeting and providing advice to policy makers.

3) Advocacy

ChildX lobbies decision-makers to improve legislation, policy and practice to prevent and protect children from trafficking and exploitation and to implement tougher actions against those who abuse children. ChildX seeks to ensure a child rights-based approach in policy development and legislation, working with grassroots organizations and supporting them to have their voices heard in decision making processes related to child trafficking and child protection.

Funded by the EU

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