Digital safety skills materials for 7–9-year-olds
The Kip crew has just landed on Earth. The spaceship’s doors open, and Tuka leads the whole crew out.
What happens next? Download the material and go on an adventure together.
Note! The material package also includes a general guide for teachers, a guide for parents/carers as well as additional materials. You can find all the Stop, Slow & Go materials, including the materials for 5-6- year olds, here.
It is important that you are present and supportive of your students so that they can safely enjoy the benefits that the online traffic has to offer. You can encourage children to explore digital environments as long as you are aware of their online activities. Just like with the physical environment when teaching children things such as traffic rules or advising them on how to relate to strangers.
Stop, Slow & Go is a material package relating to digital safety that provides a clear set of instructions on how to deal with digital safety issues with your class or group. It is important for children to practice which things are forbidden (STOP), require consideration (SLOW) or are permitted (GO).
The material has been adapted from the objectives from the teaching curriculums.